Percentage To CGPA Calculator

If you don’t know how to convert a percentage to CGPA then no need to worry. Our percentage to CGPA calculator makes this task very easy for you.Just click on “Calculate Now” and find out your CGPA in seconds. This process is very fast, easy, and accurate. No more complicated calculations! Our tool saves you both time and effort!

Percentage to CGPA Calculator

Percentage to CGPA Calculator

How to Use Our Calculator

Percentage to CGPA Calculator step 1

Select The Scale In First Step

Percentage to CGPA Calculator step 3

Click On Calcuate Button

Percentage to CGPA Calculator step 2

Enter Your Percentage In The Given Box

What is CGPA?

CGPA is an important measure of any student’s academic ability. It shows a student’s overall score or grade averaged over all the semesters. CGPA is calculated by converting grades into points.In India, students’ performance score is usually given in percentage, but if required for universities, other countries or employment, this percentage has to be converted to CGPA. Our percentage to CGPA calculator makes this process very easy.

Why Convert Percentage to CGPA?

A very important use of CGPA is in university admissions and to assess academic performance. With the help of this tool, the academic performance of any student can be assessed in a better way.If you want to get admission in a foreign university or apply for a job, then CGPA is very important for you, because CGPA is recognized as an authoritative scale worldwide.  This is the reason why CGPA has special importance in academic and professional field.

Understanding Grading System

Why Convert Percentage to CGPA?

We can convert percentages to CGPA very easily,Just use a simple formula: Percentage ÷ 9.5 = CGPA. The number 9.5 is commonly used to derive a CGPA on a 10.0 scale. Example: Suppose a student’s marks are 85%, then the formula to calculate his CGPA will be: 85 ÷ 9.5 = 8.95 That means the CGPA of this student will be 8.95. Our percentage to CGPA converter makes the whole process very easy and fast. All you have to do is enter your percentage in the input box and click “Calculate”. CGPA will come to you instantly!

Conversion Table – Percentage Into CGPA

95 percent in CGPA out of 1010.0
90 percent in CGPA out of 109.5
85 percent in CGPA out of 109.0
80 percent in CGPA out of 108.5
75 percent in CGPA out of 108.0
70 percent in CGPA out of 107.5
65 percent in CGPA out of 107.0
60 percent in CGPA out of 106.5
55 percent in CGPA out of 106.0
50 percent in CGPA out of 105.5
45 percent in CGPA out of 105.0
40 percent in CGPA out of 104.5


How do I convert a percentage to CGPA?

Converting Percentage to CGPA is very easy. All you have to do is divide the percentage by 9.5 and you will get your CGPA. For example, if a student’s percentage is 75, to find his CGPA ,we will simply 75 ÷ 9.5 = 7.8 (on a scale of 10).

A formula can be used to convert Percentage to CGPA, which is something like this:
70 ÷ 9.5 = 7.37 CGPA.

To convert Percentage to CGPA (out of 4) this formula is used:
Percentage ÷ 25 = CGPA.
Accordingly, divide 70 by 25, and get the CGPA which becomes:
2.8 out of 4.

The CGPA can vary as much as possible, such as a CGPA maximum of 10.0 for a 10-point grading system, and 4.0 for a 4-point grading system.

We can convert numbers to percentages using a simple formula. Suppose a student’s CGPA is 8.5, just multiply it by 9.5 and the percentage is known. Eg: 8.5 × 9.5 = 80.75%


The main advantage of converting percentage to CGPA is that it helps us to understand different exams. Another advantage of converting percentage to CGPA is that it makes it easier for students who want to get admission in universities abroad or apply for jobs in other countries, where CGPA is accepted. is recognized as academic score.It also helps students effectively present their academic performance abroad, thereby enhancing their credibility and recognition. Understanding and correct application of CGPA provides students and professionals with an important opportunity to advance in life.

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