Percentage To CGPA Calculator
Easily convert your percentage to CGPA with our useful calculator. Whether you are an applicant or a university student trying to track their academic performance, this tool simplifies the process and gives an accurate result.
Percentage to CGPA Calculator
Understanding Percentage to CGPA Conversion
Academic performance is calculated using a variety of methods worldwide, and one of the most commonly used systems is CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). If a student’s grades are in percentage, then it is hard to convert them into CGPA for applications to universities, scholarships, and jobs, as many prefer CGPA over percentages to evaluate academic achievements. Here is a simple guide about how to convert percentage to CGPA.
Key Benefits of Conversion:
- Global Standardization: A lot of universities across the world require CGPA instead of percentage.
- Simplification of Results: CGPA gives a summary of your academic performance, making it easier to interpret.
- Academic Applications: many institutions like CBSE or international universities, CGPA is most important metric for admissions.
Formula for Percentage to CGPA Conversion:
The most widely used formula for converting percentage to CGPA is:
CGPA = Percentage ÷ 9.5
This formula is commonly used in the Indian education system, especially in CBSE-affiliated schools, where 9.5 is considered the standardized conversion factor.
- A percentage of 85% converts to CGPA as follows:
CGPA = 85 ÷ 9.5 = 8.95